
Showing posts from March, 2015

What is fear?

A few months ago I was asked to speak at a women's retreat and the theme  was Fearless. That theme made me seek the scriptures concerning fear. I was amazed to find these 3 examples of fear in the bible. In Joshua 1:9 the term used is terrified. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” In this passage God is specifically talking to Joshua after the death of Moses. He is telling him what was commanded, the word tremble is also afraid, terrified, or frightened. This type of fear is paralyzing, it doesn’t allow you to move because you fear the outcome, process and people involved. How many of us have ever felt this kind of fear? You were afraid to make a decision because of all it would entail. Or you were afraid to follow God into unchartered waters because you didn’t know what to expect. Well in the Hebrew/Greek study bible it states that, those who are living in obedience to Him have no ne...

A Woman Worth Following

This is the last portion on the lesson of a Woman worth following. I pray as you disciple women and look for women to model your lives after that we take a close look at the attributes of these women. Read Luke 23:55-24:12 I just love that they are referred to as the women, the committed the few the fearless. It’s like the commercials for the Marines, the few the proud. Luke makes sure we realize that these are the women from Galilee. It states that they saw where He was laid and then went to prepare the burial spices and perfumes. They were so committed to Jesus. Note that they prepared well so that they could still rest on the Sabbath, they  weren't  so religiously focused that they  didn't  rest. Rather they obeyed the commandment which Jesus I’m sure modeled for them in His frequent times of getting away and resting. These women then go to the tomb and see that the stone is rolled away but they are convinced that Jesus was laid here so they go int...