Let me praise with you.

So you know how you gather your group of close friends together to pray intently for you in a situation. But then when the Lord answers your prayer sometimes you forget to call them and tell them that God answered the prayer. I've encountered this about 3 times in the last few months. I love to praise the Lord when He does something amazing. As my friends or close acquaintances know I like to run a lap when God has done something amazing. The more I thought about this, the more I started to wonder why we do that. Why don't we praise and share our praise reports more often. Instead we are always sharing our prayer request but very seldom share our praises. In Hebrews 13:15 it states, Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.  Our God is so worthy of praise but at times we withhold the praise from Him. We praise Him alone instead of corporately. Oh sure we partake in praise and worship at church on Sundays but what about the other days. The passage says let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise. Psalm 148 reads, Praise the LORD!  It goes on to say what parts of creation should be involved in praising the Lord. It starts with the heavens and then down to the sky and all that it entails, then to the earth and all that it entails, then everything under the earth. In verse 11 it states that the Kings of the earth and all peoples; princes and all judges of the earth; both young men and virgins; old men and children. 
It seems as if God wants everything that has been created by Him to praise Him. Well that's where you and I come in. We can praise God silently for all the things He has done for us or we can tell others and ask them to praise the Lord with us. It's a blessing we have as believers to give glory to the one true God for all He has done.
Please don't keep your praise to yourself but share it. If God has allowed you to wake up this morning - Praise Him. If He has answered that prayer that you asked people to pray for tell them so they can praise Him too. It's sad that we are so quick to ask for prayer but not quick to allow others to praise with us.
Please post a comment about how God has answered a prayer you had. 


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